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Tales of Wind Коды на iOS

Последнее обновление: 8 марта 2019 г.

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Tales of Wind
  • Впервые выпущен: Apr 29, 2019

"Welcome chosen one, La Place, the city blessed by divines is under shadow of evils nowadays. We need your power to find the truth behind and bring the light again. An action MMO RPG with cute characters and soothing experience - Customize yourself with tons of outfits - Capture and travel with cute pets and mounts Cards of Power - Defeat powerful monsters and seal them in soul Cards which grant you superior power Explore a vast world for great loots and precious with your friends - Real-time PVE gameplay requires good Co-op Tons of gameplay mode - Racing, shooting, quiz and more than 20 different gameplay Meet your romance in your adventure - Encounters your soul mate in the journey - Complete the 2-Players tasks via your wisdom and courage - Promise your love in the church with all your friends - Manage the farm only for you two Value yourself and empower the kingdom - Complete the kingdom mission with players all over the world to promote the course of history Pledge yourself to the guild - Defeat other guild with your strategy and power in several GVG mode - Party, feast and quiz events, enjoy your guild life Challenge players around the world, use strategy to defeat your rivals - Compete for Higher Ranks in real-time PVP - Make your own elite team and fighting for ACE"

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