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Loop: the distress call Коды на Android

Последнее обновление: 6 апреля 2020 г.

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Loop: the distress call
  • Впервые выпущен: Feb 13, 2020

Loop is an interactive story in which every choice radically changes the story. Your behavior and the bonds you build with the character will drastically affect the outcome. You receive a distress signal from Ensign Althea Young: her ship is malfunctioning and the rest of the crew is compromised by a mysterious sickness. You’re the only person who can help. As Althea struggles to understand what is happening, she will contact you throughout the day through notifications by sending you her findings and fears. Each choice is important, and your behavior is decisive: the smallest interaction can have fatal consequences. Make your own decisions. Choose how you want to assist Althea’s efforts to save her ship and crewmates— and discover the numerous endings. Genre: text-based adventure x thriller game

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