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Chorus Dicas em Xbox Series X (XboxSX)

Última atualização: 30 de dezembro de 2022

Aqui estão as nossas Dicas para Chorus sobre Xbox Series X. Os itens mais confiáveis recebem o maior número de "polegares para cima" de nossos usuários e aparecem mais perto do topo!

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Some Useful Hints


Getting that Permadeath right
Using this can save you hours and hours of frustration when trying out the permadeath difficulty. If you ever reach that moment where you are like “well, I am dead…”, one of the quickest ways to get out of that situation is to simply open the menu, and select “restart from checkpoint”. This will help you reload quicker and save your pride while you are at it!

Stick to Easy
Although Chorus offers many different difficulty settings, all of these difficulties will be hard. The learning curve for the controls is quite steep, so especially if you are newer to space shooters, stick to the Easy difficulty until you have the hang of the game controls. Even after you have learned the controls, stick to Easy and adjust as you go so that you do not end up with hours of frustration when you are not progressing on the harder difficulties.

Start with the grind, not the story
Chorus will offer a short introduction mission, after you have finished this mission, you will have a whole new galaxy to explore. It is recommended that you start off by choosing to utilize the open world feature and go exploring. This will enable you to farm up some money and gear by doing side quests to make the main storyline a little bit easier for you when you choose to pursue the main questline.

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