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Sonic Forces Dicas em Playstation 4 (PS4)

Última atualização: 4 de março de 2023

Aqui estão as nossas Dicas para Sonic Forces sobre Playstation 4. Os itens mais confiáveis recebem o maior número de "polegares para cima" de nossos usuários e aparecem mais perto do topo!

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All Red Star Rings


There are 125 hidden Red Star Rings in Sonic Forces, which serve as collectibles. 5 Red Star Rings can be found in each level, except for boss battle stages, which have none. Some are hidden for you to find through exploration, while other will require quick platforming for you to get them safely. Use the video guide below to help you find all 125 Red Star Ring locations.

Animal Traits


Each animal type that you can pick from for your avatar has a special trait:

  • Dogs will come back with 5 rings after dying.
  • Cats retain 1 ring after being hit.
  • Rabbits are invulnerable for a slightly longer period after being hit.
  • Hedgehogs have more time to collect their rings after being hit.
  • Wolves draw items toward them when they’re within range.
  • Bears have a stronger Wire Attack that blows enemies away.
  • Birds can double jump.

Pick the one that fits your playstyle the best. You can also replay stages using rental avatars (which are avatars from other players), which will let you try out different styles and possibly try out more advanced abilities (depending on how far the other player is in the game). Once you beat the game, you’ll be able to switch between multiple avatars, too, allowing you to use the avatar whose ability works best for the stage at hand.

Character Differences


Modern Sonic, Classic Sonic, and the Avatar have their own skills and abilities.

  • Modern Sonic has Boost and a Homing Attack.
  • Classic Sonic has Spin Dash and Drop Dash (roll once you land).
  • The Avatar has a Wire Attack (similar to the Homing Attack) as well as a Wispon weapon that can have different abilities.

All Red Star Rings


There are 125 hidden Red Star Rings in Sonic Forces, which serve as collectibles. 5 Red Star Rings can be found in each level, except for boss battle stages, which have none. Some are hidden for you to find through exploration, while other will require quick platforming for you to get them safely. Use the video guide below to help you find all 125 Red Star Ring locations.

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