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Roots of Pacha Ovos de Páscoa em Playstation 4 (PS4)

Última atualização: 21 de abril de 2023

Aqui estão as nossas Ovos de Páscoa para Roots of Pacha sobre Playstation 4. Os itens mais confiáveis recebem o maior número de "polegares para cima" de nossos usuários e aparecem mais perto do topo!

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The Clan of the Cave Bear

Ovos de Páscoa

The developers of Roots of Pacha, have put a lot of effort into creating the newest Stone Age simulation game that may seem familiar to "Stone Age Stardew Valley". The game consists of many amazing Characters to interact with. Though the game shares similarities to another world. 

The creator confirmed that the game was inspired by the 1980 famous and controversion book "The Clan of the Cave Bear". A book about prehistoric times, and the first of multiple "Earth Children" books Jean M. Auel wrote. 

The game shares similarities to the book in the interactions between Neanderthal and Magnon humans. 

Iza is the clan medicine woman in Clan of the Bear and Ada is the clan medicine woman of Roots of Pacha, the two share similar traits in their looks as well. 

This can be true for multiple other characters too. 

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