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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Ovos de Páscoa em Playstation 4 (PS4)

Última atualização: 9 de fevereiro de 2021

Aqui estão as nossas Ovos de Páscoa para Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain sobre Playstation 4. Os itens mais confiáveis recebem o maior número de "polegares para cima" de nossos usuários e aparecem mais perto do topo!

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Kept you waiting, huh?

Ovos de Páscoa

When you save Miller, he will ask you to say “Kept you waiting, huh?” There is a button prompt that will let you do so. This line has been repeated many times throughout the series.


Ovos de Páscoa

When you first start the game, it will ask you to enter your birthday. When that day arrives, there will be a birthday party at Mother Base.

Kojima Productions

Ovos de Páscoa

In the prologue, there is a bulletin board that mentions Kojima Productions and the Fox Team. It also lists booth number CP 2308, which was the booth used by Kojima Productions at GDC 2013.

MGS Quotes

Ovos de Páscoa

If you shoot the AI Pod in Side Op 143, it will say lines from Metal Gear Solid 3 and Peace Walker.

P.T. Radio Broadcast

Ovos de Páscoa

There is a radio in Africa that plays a broadcast about a murder that was originally heard during P.T., the demo for the now-cancelled Silent Hills.

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