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Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Batoteiros em Playstation 4 (PS4)

Última atualização: 4 de setembro de 2019
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
  • Lançado pela primeira vez: Sep 14, 2017
  • Gêneros: Adventure, Role-playing (RPG)
  • Plataformas: PC,Xbox One,PlayStation 4
  • Classificações: ESRB M

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Prey reference

Ovos de Páscoa

One of the safes in the bank belongs to Morgan Yu. Morgan Yu is the name of the protagonist in Prey, from the same developers.

Dark Souls reference

Ovos de Páscoa

On the roof of the bank, you can find a sword stuck in a bonfire. This is a reference to the Dark Souls series.

Granny Rags reference

Ovos de Páscoa

There is a letter that alludes to Granny Rags/Vera Moray from the first Dishonored.

Daud steals painting

Ovos de Páscoa

If you don’t steal the painting in the first mission, Daud will steal it himself once he’s free.


Ovos de Páscoa

The lockbox code for Luigi Galvani is 287, the same code used for the safe in Dr. Galvani’s house in the first game.

Original Game Plus


Once you finish the campaign, you’ll unlock Original Game Plus mode, which replaces Billie’s normal powers with the fully upgraded Dark Vision, Blink, and Domino powers from Dishonored 2.



There are two different endings.

To get the good ending, take the key from the corpse in Mission 5 that gives you the “Inspect Malchiodi’s Lodging” optional objectives. Follow through with the objective (you’ll need to translate the symbols to get the combination so you can access the information you need), and then, once you reach the Outsider later, talk to Daud and choose the options to release the Outsider instead of killing him.

To get the bad ending, kill the Outsider.

Note: you can do the optional objective and still pursue the bad ending, just not the other way around.

All Painting Locations


There are 8 total paintings you can still and sell, all found within the first three missions. Each sells for 200 coins. You’ll need to get them all in a single playthrough, but they remain available even after completing the main objective in the mission (except for the painting in mission 1, so be sure to get that one before you rescue Daud). Collectible progress isn’t saved automatically, so save your game once you pick up a painting.

If you’re having trouble finding them, use the video guide below to find all eight paintings.

Safe Codes


A handful of safe codes are fixed, but many are randomized on each playthrough, so you can’t easily look them up. You’ll need to find the combination instead.

Custom Difficulty Options


Custom Difficulty lets you customize the game’s difficulty by adding modifiers with specific effects:

  • Save Model – Free, one slot, or iron mode (no manual saves).
  • Quick-Access Wheel – Slowed time or real time.
  • Enemy Perception – Slower than normal, normal, or faster than normal.
  • Enemy Overhead Perception – Reduced, medium, or keen.
  • Lean Visibility – Hidden, slightly hidden, or visible.
  • Constrained Leaning – Constrained by half or not constrained.
  • Footstep Noise – Less noisy, normal, or more noisy.
  • Search Persistency – Short, normal, or long.
  • Energy Replenish – Fast, normal, or slow.
  • Health Regeneration – Normal or limited.
  • Energy Cooldown – Off (faster cooldown), normal, or long (slower cooldown).
  • Reinforcements – Fewer, normal, or more.
  • Enemy Damage – Low, normal, or high.
  • Group Attack – Fewer attackers, up to two at a time, or up to three at a time.
  • Attack Frequency – Enemies attack less frequently, normal amount, or more frequently.
  • Ranged Accuracy – Enemies have low, normal, or high accuracy.
  • Enemy Bravery – More panic, normal, or less panic.
  • Ammunition Quantity – One less in boxes, normal amount, or more in boxes.
  • Potion Speed – Normal, slower, or very slow.
  • Potion Strength – Stronger, normal, or weaker.
  • Chase Tenacity – Normal or tenacious.
  • Stealth Visibility – Low, normal, or high.

Semblance - Save Void Energy


While using Semblance, your Void Energy will drain. However, it doesn’t drain while you’re standing still. By the same token, it drains faster when you sprint. Move slowly to conserve your Void Energy.

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