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Darkest Dungeon Dicas em iOS

Última atualização: 13 de outubro de 2019

Aqui estão as nossas Dicas para Darkest Dungeon sobre iOS. Os itens mais confiáveis recebem o maior número de "polegares para cima" de nossos usuários e aparecem mais perto do topo!

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Basic Tips


Keep a full roster whenever possible, with a good variety of classes, so that you can swap in new heroes when you need them.

Check your party members’ strengths and skills and make sure you have them positioned so that you can make full use of them.

Make sure you have a dedicated healer in your party when you head into a boss fight.

Try to plan out the shortest backtracking path possible. You’ll make out better than if you try to explore every room.

Keep an eye on your party members’ stress levels.

Curios can be dangerous. Avoid using them until you’re familiar with them and know what to expect.

All Ancestors' Trinkets


There are 14 unique Trinkets that belonged to the Ancestor.

Most of these can be found as rewards for champion level dungeons, but a few of them are dropped by the Shambler enemy. In addition to being a random fight, the Shambler will also appear if you put a torch on the Shambler’s Altar.

  • Ancestor’s Bottle (Shambler drop)
  • Ancestor’s Candle (Shambler drop)
  • Ancestor’s Coat
  • Ancestor’s Handkerchief
  • Ancestor’s Lantern
  • Ancestor’s Map (Shambler drop)
  • Ancestor’s Mustache Cream
  • Ancestor’s Musket Ball
  • Ancestor’s Pen
  • Ancestor’s Pistol
  • Ancestor’s Portrait
  • Ancestor’s Scroll (Shambler drop)
  • Ancestor’s Signet Ring
  • Ancestor’s Tentacle Idol (Shambler drop)

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