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How to beat ULV the Mad Knight for ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights on PlayStation 5 (PS5)

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How to beat ULV the Mad Knight


The recommended level for this match is 60. 

The first phase will consist of three attacks: the slash he can combo up to two times, a lunge attack, and a front flip that activates splash damage which is his main attack. 

You will need to trigger his introductory sequence and then dash through him. If you do get hit continue to bait him until he slashes twice and then uses his front flip move and try to hit him at least twice. Be careful not to get hit by his sprite. 

When he does his x-slash wait for the very last moment when he opens his arms then dash through. 

Never get more than one hit unless he’s doing his front flip or you’ve removed all his poise and his stunned. The knight positioning in this match is very good. 

In phase 2 the knight begins with a cross bleed attack. In this phase, he has a wave attack. You will need to dodge this attack and not just jump over. 

In phase 3 the knight is able to do two uppercuts which are very difficult to dodge. He will begin this phase with several beams with equal spacing across the map. You have two options: you can dodge by standing far back or you can get up close and dodge the initial attack.

After the attack look on the ground for colored sprites moving up in a vertical direction and try to position yourself between them. Try to get a few attacks. The knight’s recovery time is extremely quick in this phase. 

Whenever the knight uses his signature move is the perfect time to use your range attacks or heal yourself. He will also lunge at you every time he uses his signature move or his range attack.