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Monika glitching in the game dla Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! na Xbox Series X (XboxSX)

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Monika glitching in the game


When entering the Literature Club in Act 2, there is a ⅓ chance of Monika glitching. 

Monkia is the poster girl of Doki Doki Literature Club as she is the President of the Club. Monkia is one of five members. She is the driving force of the game, encouraging the members to practice writing poems until the festival, which develops the characters' stories.   

In Act 2 if the player writes two poems for Natsuki and one poem for Yuri and then attempts to talk to Monika. She will seem surprised and prompt a poem and then she will tell you that the game has glitched her poem. 

The background is red with glitches, different from the original desk background during the minigame. After giving the poem to Monkia, she will believe that the player wrote the poem for her and call you sweet the poem has a loud ambience and has glitches all over the page. 

If you are using Windows on full screen mode, the game will display a fake BSOD and the dialogue will be the same. 

You will be able to Monkia’s talk where she talks directly to the player and you will be given hte opportunity to delete Monkia’s files and she will vanish. When she finds out that the player deleted her file she will tell you that “you completely, truly make me sick”. Then after a while she will tell the player that she still loves them and will fell the weight of her actions and she will restore the game and bring the players back. Monkia will then be absent for the rest of the game until the normal ending. 

The normal ending: Sayori becomes self-aware and glitches the game back to Monika’s room where she stayed with the main character and she will delete Sayori and say “No, I won’t let you hurt him.” 

Monika then states that there is no happiness in the Literature Club and then she will delete the entire game and the song “Your Reality” will begin to play while the credits roll. This is the song that Monkia wrote for the player. 

The games CG will then also be deleted and the player will receive a bittersweet letter from Monkia. The game will then be rendered unplayable until re-installed or the “first run” file is deleted.