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How to Defeat Different Enemies for Fading Afternoon on PC

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How to Defeat Different Enemies


Bottle Thrower

The Bottle Thrower is one of the most irritating enemies in the game. They can either throw a bottle and deal a ridiculous amount of damage or lose it and fight you with their fists. You can either dodge their bottles (try not to get hit in the back of the head) or force them into close-quarters combat. 

Bottle Throwers are almost defenseless in close-quarters combat and don’t do well in a grapple, but keeping your guard up is always a good idea.


Goons are the enemy you will encounter the most frequently at the beginning of the game. While they can be dealt with easily with basic attacks, they have a trick up their sleeve: they can’t be grappled.

If you attempt to grapple a goon, they’ll respond with an unblockable punch. Fortunately, you can backstep and avoid it if you're quick enough. 


Boxers are excellent defenders who will plow through your allies quickly and with ease during territory defense events. They’ll block attacks with ease and deal a good amount of damage. While they can be grappled, it’s not the smartest thing to do as they can easily retaliate and inflict damage. 

You should break their guard with a strike or two, then counter their assault when they attack you. If you do happen to grapple them, double-tap the “back” key to kick them into submission.

Karate Kid

While a karate kid’s primary attack can be blocked easily, don’t underestimate them. If they catch you off-guard with their charge and flying kick, which they do quite frequently, you may find yourself without a weapon moments after entering combat.


This enemy is a master of counterattacks and defending. Attacking them repeatedly will cause them to step back and unleash an unblockable high-kick. Fortunately, if you act quickly enough, you can sidestep it.

The great thing about these enemies is that they’re defenseless against grappling. If you encounter one, don’t attack; keep your guard up and close in for the grapple. They won’t stand a chance.


These enemies will charge at you relentlessly, much like their name promises. However, after wailing a barrage of attacks against you, they’ll rest and catch their breath with their hands on their knees. 

Keep your guard up through their attack and counter them when they reach you. They’ll have no energy to defend themselves, meaning you can take them out without issue.

Knife Wielder

It’s not the brightest idea to engage Knife Wielder directly. While their attacks are low damage, they attack rapidly, giving you no real time to react. You have two options to take them out:

Punch them once and quickly counter to acquire their knives.

Enter guard mode, hold the “down” key, then the “kick” key, all from a safe distance. This will knock them to the ground. You can repeat this process twice to neutralize the threat.


Much like Goons, Grapplers are resistant to grappling attempts. They have higher health than other enemies and will try to get as close to you as possible to execute a grapple. Fortunately, they can be kept at bay with long-range kicks. Three good kicks will take care of them.


Swordsman can inflict a ridiculous amount of damage and will ruin your plans at the worst possible moment. They require special training for effective combat and will make your life way more difficult than it needs to be.

You can either use long kicks to keep them at bay or, if you want their sword, you can use the same strategy you would with a Knife Wielder: punch once, counter quickly, and grab the sword.

Be careful when dueling swordsmen with your sword. They can deflect your strikes and counter with a stylish and damaging attack if you’re not quick enough. 

When your attacks are deflected, kick to turn the tables. Alternatively, you can kick swordsmen and follow up with a slash attack.


Gunmen rarely miss their targets, though you can manipulate the situation to your advantage by using the vertical spacing of an area and throwing off their aim. Before they fire at you, they’ll try to align vertically, providing you with the perfect opportunity to close in for the kill. 

You can counter the Gunman, then hit “back” to disarm them, ensuring yourself a steady supply of firearms. 

Abstract Enemies

While the game has its fair share of actual enemies, there are a few internal struggles your character will face as the game progresses:

  • Lung Cancer - Unfortunately, due to the excessive amount of smoking you’re sure to partake in, developing lung cancer is inevitable. It’s an enemy you cannot defeat and eventually will be unable to avoid.
  • Depression - The strength of your depression will wax and wane as you progress through the story. Fortunately, if you seek out help to deal with it, you should see positive results.
  • Alcoholism - While it won’t expose you to any diseases, alcoholism will open up interactions with women at bars, opening up an entirely new set of consequences you might want to explore.
  • Debauchery - Debauchery doesn’t have the most favorable returns. It will likely lead to you spending too much money, damaging your liver and self-esteem, risking various ailments, and being threatened by your spouse with a champagne bottle.
  • Overconfidence - If you’re not careful, your arrogance could lead you to drop your guard, leading to an unfortunate death.
  • Kato - While your younger best friend will have your back at the beginning, as the game progresses and you start berating him in front of others for his behavior and lack of etiquette, you’ll have to start watching your own back. You never know what sort of vengeance could accidentally befall you.