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Beginners Guide for Hoosegow on iOS

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Beginners Guide


This prison survival simulator game allows you to decide your fate in different situations. At the start of the game, you will randomly be assigned a character, a crime you have committed, and the corresponding jail sentence. 

Each scenario presents your character with a choice that will affect the status of the prisoner and the attitude of the other prisoners toward your character. Your mission and objective is to make the right decisions to strengthen your position amongst fellow inmates.

Your prisoner has an inventory list of items that they have collected or bought. These items will help your prisoner survive tricky situations in the game. You will also need to start accumulating gold coins in the game. You can use these coins to purchase items from the “Store.”

The decision you need to make will start as soon as your prisoner enters the cell. The first decision will always be, “You enter the cell and see an inmate sitting on the bunk,” to which various answers exist. 

You can either answer “As-salamu alaykum” or “What’s up, dude?” these answers will get you acquainted with your new cellmate, and your first day will go by quietly. Various other questions require thinking out of the box to avoid losing star points.

A decision always pops up: “While roaming around the prison yard, a strange inmate walks up to you and offers you a cigarette.” The best option is to accept the cigarette from the fellow innate; it gives you a free smoke and builds a relationship status.

Other inmates will occasionally ask you for items, for example, “During a walk in the prison yard, a strange inmate walks up to you. From the look on his face, he definitely wants something from you. ‘Bro, you got any cigarettes?”. Your reply can vary between answers, just don’t try and sell him cigarettes in exchange for 200 coins.

When the opportunity presents itself for your prisoner to steal items from the kitchen without being seen, it’s best to take the chance, as you will be rewarded with agility points and have an item to craft a prison shank.

Your prison cells pose various dangers to your health, including being bitten by deadly infected rats. When a rat bites your prison, taking medicine is the only option to keep your prisoner alive; sleeping it off or calling a doctor will land your prisoner in the morgue.

Inevitably your character will be forced to work by the prisoner wardens. Refusing to work will get your prisoner beaten up by the wardens. However, in the process of refusing to work, it will increase the status of your prisoner by 20 points.

As incidents will occur in the prison cell, your prisoner will often be questioned about the information he may know about a particular incident. You can pay off the investigator with $100 and lose money, or the correct option is to deny everything. The investigator will be forced to let you go.

The cafeteria and lunch times will offer opportunities for your prisoner to gain respect from fellow inmates. If your prisoner looks at a nearby table and is shown an indecent gesture from other inmates, threaten them with your prison shank or spit in their food, this increases your prisoner's reputation.

Lastly, there are countless scenarios that your prisoner will face; always remember to think as if you were in a prison cell. If your prisoner dies from any bad decisions, learn from them and don’t make the same mistake twice. 

Tongue Tied Games shares a guide on how to survive in Hoosegow.