Wobbledogs Commands für Wobbledogs auf PC

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Wobbledogs Commands


Commands are cheats that you use to get items or eggs in the game. They are useful when you want wallpapers or decorations. 

To open the console to use use the commands, press "tab" and "\".


  • “spawnitem capsule 50” You get 50 capsules.
  • “addunfertilizedeggtoinventory 50” You get 50 unfertilized eggs that you can inject dog genes into.
  • “spawndog 10” You get 10 dogs.
  • “spawnitem gummy [number]” You will get the food block from the beta versions.
  • ​​“spawnitem fruit [number]” You will get orange fruits with pink warts from the later beta version.

There is a limit to the "addunfertilizedeggtoinventory 1000" as it will only give you 50 eggs, so you will need to spam the arrow command below to get the eggs. 

You can use the up arrow to copy a previous command. 

Then to close the console press "esc". 

Wobbledogs' life cycle


Fertilized Eggs 

Every dog (aside from dogs that you have received as an achievement) will begin as an egg. The egg is placed in an incubator until the timer runs out. You must then click on the incubator to hatch the puppy. If you don't click on the incubator, the egg will just lay in there until you click on it. 


A dog will undergo pupation four times in its life. These are the transition periods: 

  • puppy to juvenile 
  • Juvenile to teen
  • Teen to young adult 
  • Young adult to adult 

For each transition period, the dog will turn into a cocoon that attaches to the ceiling or decoration hanging above and then will hatch when the timer runs out.  

The cocoon can be a pet that will reflect as a "mutation up" once a heart has been filled. The dog will not hatch until the player clicks the "hatch" button once the timer has run out.  

The dog emerges in a new growth state and will have new mutations because of the gut flora. It will leave behind an empty cocoon that the dog will immediately try to eat. The dog will also have a puddle of green goop. 

You will also have a menu where you can see the dogs' new mutations. 


Puppies that emerge from the eggs are the first stage of life and are only puppies for a short period of time before they undergo the first set of mutations. 


The juvenile stage of life will result in the first set of new mutations. A dog will need five minutes from being born to be able to pupate and move onto the juvenile stage. 


The teen stage of life will result in the second set of mutations. A dog will need a further ten minutes (total of 15 minutes) from being a puppy to be able to pupate and move onto the teen stage. 

Young Adult 

The teen stage of life will result in the third set of mutations. A dog will need a further 10 minutes (total of 25 minutes) from being a teen to be able to pupate and move onto the young adult stage. 


The adult stage is the final stage of life and results in the fourth and final set of mutations. A dog will need a further 10 minutes (total of 35 minutes) from being a young adult to be able to pupate and move onto the adult stage.  

The adult dogs are able to enter the breeding simulation and pass on the gut flora and genes to the new generations. The dog will lay an egg that can be fertilized through breeding. If a dog's gut contains a large amount of scaph flora, there's a good chance that the dog will lay a batch of Dud Eggs.      

Adult dogs are also able to lay capsules, which can be used to unlock objects, wallpapers, and flooring.

Wobbledogs vs Real Dogs


The dogs in the game are very different from dogs in real life and actually have some similarities to insects or chickens, i.e., the dogs lay eggs. Throughout their lives, they will pupate four times. Some dogs will have a total of eight legs; two back legs and six front legs. 

There are also other differences, like: 

  • unnatural colors (they have the ability to be any color). 
  • They have patterns on their bodies (with any color).
  • They have a varying number of legs as well as any number of tails.
  • They possess either ears or horns on their heads, as well as wings. 
  • They can eat food that may be harmful to a real dog.