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Slipways Cheats sur PC

Dernière mise à jour: 7 octobre 2021

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  • Première sortie: Jun 2, 2021

Turn desolate planets into a vast trade empire. Hatch plans. Research game-breaking technologies. Still be done in time for lunch. Enjoy the endless possibilities of a space grand strategy game in 60 minutes flat. Slipways takes the space grand strategy genre and condenses the best parts of it down by throwing away all the micromanagement and the steep learning curve. The result is a game in which you can finish a run quickly, but still have a deep experience full of important decisions. Forget about tedious micromanagement and spending time waiting for ships to build. In Slipways, every action you take has immediate consequences, and every choice you make is of paramount importance. Your planets govern themselves while you focus on making the right decisions to get them what they need. You'll waste none of your precious time on busywork - a single run takes 40-60 minutes and they are all filled with the good stuff.

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