XP Guide pour KeepUp Survival sur PC

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XP Guide


You gain XP in several ways during the game. Weapons give you more XP when you use them for their purpose. For example, using a stone axe will give you less XP than a pickaxe when you are mining stone.

The Pickaxe is specifically made for mining stone. When mining stone, you earn 0.2-1.6XP. When you use it for metal mining, you get 0.3-1.9XP, and mining Sulfur mining, you get 0.4-1.8XP

Using an Axe, you get 0.3-1.7XP when cutting trees and 0.1-0.6XP when mining stone, metal, and Sulfur. A Stone Axe receives 0.2-0.9XP when cutting wood and 0.1-0-0.4XP when mining stone, metal, and Sulfur.

A shovel is used for mining sand and gains you 0.2-1.6XP when used. A Sickle gives you 0.2-0.8XP when mining berries and fiber. Cutting trees also bring in XP for collecting resources. As you collect wood, you can receive 0.2-1.6XP.

Lastly, you receive XP when you defeat a mutant bear or harvest a dear. When you harvest a mutant bear, you receive 0.6-2.0XP when giving damage to the bear. If you kill the bear you receive 6000XP.

For giving damage to a dear, you can earn 0.6-1.8XP, and if you kill the dear, you receive 2.8XP. For a young dear harvest, this changes slightly. When you deal damage to a young dear, you receive 0.4-1.4XP. If you kill the young dear, you earn 2.2XP.