Target delivers some Xbox Ones early – new console details

Dernière mise à jour: 10 novembre 2013


Target has sent out a small number (around 150, we understand) of Xbox One consoles to consumers due to a glitch in its system and Moonlightswami of Twitter was very quick to get an unboxing video up (embedded at the bottom of this post) and also dish out a bunch of other new information about the device.

Rather than make you trawl through pages of discussion, here’s a quick list of what you need to know:

  • A cold boot of the console takes 17 seconds.
  • Call of Duty: Ghosts took 15-20 seconds to load (when installed on the HDD) and around 30 minutes to do the full install (it’s a 49GB game).
  • The day one patch update (which is pretty much required to unlock most of the Xbox One’s functionality) started as soon as it was turned on.
  • The console and power brick are very quiet.
  • Games become playable once they are 50% installed and installation starts as soon as the disc is installed.
  • Using Kinect to control the console is very accurate. Commands do not often need to be repeated (like only if said too quietly).
  • Out of the box music and media apps are: Audio CD player, Hulu, Skype, Blu-Ray Disc, Netflix, Skydrive and NFL.
  • System video options are: 1080p or 720p, HDMI or DVI, Color Depth: 24 30 or 36 Bits per pixel, TV RGB limited or PC RGB full.
  • System audio options are: HDMI: Stereo uncompressed, 5.1 uncompressed, 7.1 uncompressed, DTS digital surround. Optical: Stereo uncompressed, DTS Digital surround.

Moonlightswami was initially banned from Xbox Live for his efforts, but Major Nelson has since weighed in on the issue and said that anyone who receives their console early will only be blocked from accessing Xbox Live until the street date. No one will be permanently banned. Given that it’s not Moonlightswami’s fault the console was delivered early we think this is the only fair option!