Pre-order availability for Xbox One continues to be mixed

Dernière mise à jour: 16 juillet 2013


Finding a Day One edition Xbox One console is becoming harder and harder with Gamestop the latest retailer to flick the “unavailable switch”. Having re-opened pre-orders just last weekend, the games retailer is now back out of stock and even the Day One game bundles (which were previously a good bet) are unavailable.

As for other retailers, Amazon has not let you pre-order the Day One edition for a while now (although the standard edition is still available). The good news is that Best Buy pre-orders for the Xbox One are back (having been MIA/up & down for the last few days). Walmart is also an option and is still taking pre-orders. You can also order directly from Microsoft themselves via the Microsoft Store (an option that, for some reason, doesn’t seem to get much coverage to be honest).

Have you pre-ordered your Xbox One and if so, where? If not, are you beginning to worry about getting a console come launch in November?