Hitman 6 Won’t Be Shown at E3

Dernière mise à jour: 1 juin 2014

Hitman 6 concept art

We don’t really know a whole lot about the next Hitman game, except that it’s being developed for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Back in January, IO Interactive provided a few details in an open letter to fans, confirming things like an “an open, non-linear level design” and the return of Contracts Mode.

A lot of people have speculated over what we might see from this Hitman title at E3… and IO Interactive noticed. Therefore, the company announced that the game “is going to be under wraps for a bit longer.”

To make up for it, we’ve gotten to see the first piece of concept art, shown above. The building seen in that image will be larger than any location in Hitman: Absolution, and you’ll be able to fully explore it.

Hitman fans will probably be a little disappointed at this news, but at least IO Interactive made it known. As the announcement pointed out, “the worst thing is to hope for something that doesn’t turn up.” We probably all have a few unconfirmed games we’re dying to see at E3, and it’s easier to know in advance that they won’t be there than to wait in hope until the very end.