Call of Duty: Ghosts Extinction mode revealed

Dernière mise à jour: 28 octobre 2013


Previous Call of Duty games had zombies, but now everyone’s doing those. So what’s the new hip thing? Aliens of course! And not surprisingly Activision has just released the reveal trailer for a new game mode in Call of Duty: Ghosts – Extinction.

Extinction puts between one and four players in a co-op setting against hordes of aliens (did we just accidentally compare it to Gears of War?). Activision has officially described the mode as “an all-new 1-4 player cooperative game mode featuring a unique blend of fast-paced survival action, FPS base defense, scavenging and class leveling.”

COD: Ghosts is due out for current generation systems on November 5 and is of course a launch title for each of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One.