Xbox One Will Remain Behind PS4?

Letzte Aktualisierung: 27. Januar 2014


There has already been a lot of controversy about the Xbox One, with the latest source being the lower framerate for Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition. Today those controversy levels are set to get higher with well-known industry insider Ashan Rasheed of NeoGAF/Twitter fame claiming that the gap between the PS4 and the Xbox One will exist for the entirety of the generation. This gap won’t be a “small trivial margin” he said, but will “show up distinctly in exclusives.”

He believes that while the Xbox One’s weaker hardware will be improved, so will the PS4’s. In fact, he claims that although the Xbox One still has a great deal of potential graphical power that developers have been denied access to, it won’t be enough for the console to catch up.

Although Rasheed is not an authority, many of his past predictions have come true. If he is right this time, the Xbox One could be in trouble.