PS4 Warframe Update: New Warframe, Mode, and More

Letzte Aktualisierung: 3. März 2014


Today, the Associate Producer of Digital Extremes announced that Update 12 is ready for Warframe on the PS4. This free-to-play shooter just launched in Japan, so it’s the perfect time for some new content.

First, Update 12 introduces a new Warframe to gameplay. Zephyr is a lightweight, air-based Warframe with high mobility and speed.

The HUD has also been altered, bringing customization options and 3D transmissions, along with general enhancements to make it easier and more efficient to use.

The last big announcement was the introduction of a new mode. Interception has four capture points that players must try to control, although the Grineer can use their hacking skills to seize control. When you control a point, your team’s score increases, and when you reach the maximum score, your team just has to get rid of the Grineer to win.

Additionally, Update 12 expands the forest level from 11.5, adds new weapons, and contains more content that wasn’t detailed in the announcement. Warframe players, let us know what other cool features are included!