Join the Project Spark Beta on Xbox One

Letzte Aktualisierung: 4. März 2014


One of the most exciting things Microsoft announced at 2013’s E3 was Project Spark, a creativity-based sandbox game in which players essentially create their own games for other users to play. It includes Kinect functionality so that players can give characters spoken dialogue and animations. It has the potential to be really expansive and impressive, and if you have an Xbox One, you can try it out right now through its global beta.

If you were a part of the Windows 8.1 beta for Project Spark, you’ll automatically have access to Xbox One beta as well. Other players just have to sign up for their invitation. If you’re interested, head on over to the sign-up page now.

Spark Tokens have also appeared on the Xbox One store page, which suggests players will be able to buy them for the beta. 500 Spark Tokens cost $4.99.

This beta should be a good way both for players to see what Project Spark is capable of and for Microsoft to see what players want from Project Spark. Check out the official FAQ for more information and let us know your thoughts.