Ground Zeroes PS4 Bundle for Japan

Letzte Aktualisierung: 17. Februar 2014


This weekend, the PlayStation 4 will launch in Japan for the first time, but Japanese gamers who wait just a little longer will be able to pick up a limited edition Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes PS4 on March 20.

The PS4 x Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Fox Edition, as it is officially called, is a normal PS4 console, but it is marked with a laser etched, golden FOX emblem alongside the game’s logo. The console is bundled with a DualShock 4 controller and a copy of Ground Zeroes. The bundle is priced at 46,980 yen, which comes out to approximately $462. (A regular PS4 costs 41,979 yen, or the equivalent of about $413.)

Hideo Kojima shared pictures of the console, as well as three sample versions of the logo, on Twitter, and apologized for the short notice.

Take a look, and tell us what you think. As limited edition consoles go, this one isn’t the most impressive we’ve seen, but MGS fans might love this. There’s no word yet on this bundle coming to the west, but if there was, would you want it?