Beautiful New Destiny Screenshots

Letzte Aktualisierung: 8. April 2014

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Once again, Bungie answered new community questions about Destiny in its weekly blog update. A lot of new details have been revealed, such as the fact that there won’t be any NPC companions. Any allies you make will be other players.

There also will be a crafting system.

“The Tower will be a place where you can restore and upgrade your weapons and gear. Some of the loot you capture on your missions will be items that you can equip or wield. Other treasures that you reap from the action you sow will be raw materials that you need to upgrade your inventory.”

Bungie has also promised to reveal more in-game footage soon.

We’re excited to see Destiny in action, but in the meantime, some beautiful new screenshots have been released.

Destiny screenshot

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So far it’s looking pretty great! Share your thoughts on Destiny, and let us know what you’re most interested in learning more about.