Xbox One Outsells PS4 for 4 Weeks in the UK

Last Updated: March 21, 2014


MCV has reported that things have shifted a little bit in the UK video games market. While the PS4 was outselling the Xbox One for a long time, the Xbox One has been the highest-selling console for the past four weeks. This is most likely due to the price cut, the release of Titanfall, and the limited stock of the PS4.

However, the PS4 still has the highest total sales in the UK. With more consoles coming into stock and today’s release of Infamous: Second Son, which became the top-selling game on Amazon in the US, UK, and France, the PS4 could increase its momentum. We’ll keep you updated.

In the meantime, share your general thoughts on these two consoles. (Try to keep your debates civil, of course.) Do you have an Xbox One or a PS4? Both? Which do you prefer, and which do you see leading sales in the months ahead?