Some Distant Memory Сбои на Nintendo Switch

Последнее обновление: 2 декабря 2019 г.

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Some Distant Memory
  • Впервые выпущен: Nov 13, 2019

You play as the Professor, on a mission to find the sunken city of Houston. Things have been getting worse for the few surviving colonies of Earth as their resources dwindle and a corrupting algae bloom threatens all that remains. For years you've been systematically exploring the wastes without any sign of the ruins. Your main companions on your mission are ARORA, an AI who's been humanity's guiding lantern since the Collapse, and the Commander, an explorer newly charged with keeping you safe. Everything changes when you fall into the ruins of an ancient house. As you explore, the memories of the people who lived there come to life with the help of ARORA's Memory Reconstruction system. Uncover hints about what happened to civilization, discover strange artifacts, and discover the secrets of the family whose tomb you've raided. And then find a way out.

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