The Messenger: Picnic Panic Коды на Playstation 4 (PS4)

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The Messenger: Picnic Panic
  • Впервые выпущен: Jul 10, 2019

Picnic Panic is a free DLC for The Messenger. The content is accessible after completing the base game's story. "The Messenger's epic story continues on in a summer vacation DLC full of tropical action! On Voodkin Island, the demon Barma’thazël captured helpless little creatures to use them in his dark rituals. Only the heroic Messenger can save them now in a vacation-meets-rescue-mission adventure! - Three new levels and bosses, in a setting filled with voodoo magic and tropical wonders. - A complete new cast of enemy minions. - More Shopkeeper shenanigans and stories. - More challenge rooms, hidden artifacts, and surprises. - 18 new music tracks by The Messenger’s award-winning composer Rainbowdragoneyes."

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