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Russian Pinocchio Коды на Playstation 4 (PS4)

Последнее обновление: 14 ноября 2023 г.

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Russian Pinocchio
  • категория: Основная игра
  • Впервые выпущен: Oct 4, 2023
  • Жанры: Puzzle, Adventure, Visual Novel
  • Тема: Fantasy
  • Рейтинги: ESRB E10

The story of Pinocchio began with the translation of Carlo Collodi's Italian fairy tale Pinocchio, but then developed into a completely different, author Alexei Tolstoy's story. He brought more adventurism and fun to the story and added many new details and changes. The story was adapted for film, theatrical productions, and the tale itself was published in the USSR 182 times, was translated into 47 languages, and reached a total circulation of 14.5 million copies. How different is Tolstoy's version from Carlo Collodi's tale, so unique is the graphic version by artist Ekaterina Volzhina! She retains Tolstoy's entire plot, but brings it to modern Russia! Her story is told without a single word, but with incredibly beautiful illustrations and love for the source material.

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