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RIGS: Mechanized Combat League Разблокируемый на Playstation 4 (PS4)

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RIGS: Mechanized Combat League
  • Впервые выпущен: Oct 12, 2016
  • Жанры: Shooter, Sport
  • Платформы: PlayStation 4
  • Разработчик: Guerrilla Cambridge
  • издатель: Sony Interactive Entertainment America,Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe
  • Рейтинги: PEGI 7,

A competitive first-person arena shooter developed from the ground up for Project Morpheus, RIGS: Mechanized Combat League combines mechanized combat with competitive sports to deliver the ultimate sport of the future. In stadiums around the world, teams of pilots engage in blistering gladiatorial matches in large, athletic machines known as ‘RIGs’. Each RIG comes with its own specialties, allowing players to develop distinctive combat styles and team tactics based on their RIGs’ size, shape, abilities and weapons. Once you strap on the Morpheus headset and select a RIG from your garage, you’re immersed in a first-person combat experience unlike any other. Coming in 2016.

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