Spacelines from the Far Out Подсказки на PC

Последнее обновление: 26 июля 2022 г.

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Priortize your stations


In the game, you will be given enough energy to power a few stations, which will mean you will have to make some tough choices.

Spacelines from the Far Out is a replayable game, so you can figure out what works and prioritize those. We suggest that you figure out what stations do and when you will need them.  

Looking after your guests


The ability to pick your guests doesn't make a lot of sense, but it is surprisingly useful. The guest may object, but you can make your job easier if you remove guests from their current location and drop them somewhere else.

This will give you the chance to attend to the guest's needs collectively and allow you to entertain multiple people at once, i.e., dancing. This will mean that it will take less time to find out what is upsetting them. 

Preparing meals is fairly easy. You will go to the food station, pick up a tray, and then heat it up, and just like that, the food is ready. BUT if you only start cooking when the guests are already starting to grow hungry, you may end up facing a situation where your guests become angry because their hunger has become too great. 

You may decide to cook food early to save time, but be careful because it may spoil. If the food has gone bad, it will start glowing green, and if the guest eats the spoiled food, they will get sick, which will mean a costly bill in cleaning fees. 

Aneoid shares their observations and strategies.

Avoid running out of fuel


To get from one journey to the next, you will obviously need fuel, and if you run out of fuel before the end of the journey, this will mean death.

You may also want to go to the top speeds while controlling the spaceship, but this is a big mistake, as accelerating only burns through your fuel quicker. Speeding is hardly ever helpful, and you almost always crash. 

In the game, it is very easy to run out of fuel as you face obstacles that are trying to throw you off course and make you use extra fuel. We suggest that you anticipate running out of fuel a lot in the beginning of the game. So stock up as soon as your tanks get low and even take a detour to refuel if you need to. 

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