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Mice Tea Коды на PC

Последнее обновление: 2 мая 2023 г.

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Mice Tea
  • категория: Основная игра
  • Впервые выпущен: Apr 27, 2023
  • Жанры: Adventure, Indie, Visual Novel
  • Тема: Comedy, Erotic, Romance

Margaret de Campos, a store clerk frustrated with her current position in life, finds a tea that turns her into an anthropomorphic mouse. Things only seem to get weirder and more transformative as they go on. Margaret de Campos is a young clerk at a local bookstore who needs some change in her life. Her job feels like a dead end, her love life is in a rut, and she's not happy with how she looks. All of that is upended when she stumbles upon a box of magical tea with the tendency to transform people into anthropomorphic animals. Depending on your choices, the lives of Margaret, her friends, and her coworkers are irrevocably changed as the story leads to several wildly different paths. Help Margaret find love and a deeper understanding of herself and her... proclivities by playing Mice Tea!

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