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KEEP OUT Пасхальные яйца на PC

Последнее обновление: 2 февраля 2021 г.

У нас их нет Пасхальные яйца для KEEP OUT на данный момент.

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  • Впервые выпущен: Jan 29, 2021

KEEP OUT is a horror and mystery puzzle adventure Game. A whole story of KEEP OUT is from Devota Hill in 2044. You are "Mr. M", the toy of a wise and benevolent monarch. Explore and Find Secrets of Devota Hill and HumathScience. Players explore Devota Hill by manipulating Mr. M in 3D, Side-scrolling views. You may have to fight, dodge, or sometimes get stuck against aggressive rats, human beings who kill animated toys, and other aggressive toys that don't serve the benevolent lord Mr. M. Sometimes you have to use parts of the toy that were killed to survive. Mr.M is threatened or helped in this environment. You are the lord of toys. With all your toys paying attention to you, think only about salvaging the world of threatened toys!

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