Breath Сбои на PC

Последнее обновление: 2 февраля 2021 г.

У нас их нет Сбои для Breath на данный момент.

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  • Впервые выпущен: Dec 20, 2020

Breath is not an easy game, but it is not a long game too. Start as a simple life-form and evolve your way by defeating the bosses in any order you wish. One ability gained from one boss can help you to defeat another one. Can you beat the game without deaths? How fast can you beat it? Try yourself in "1 Life Mode" and "SpeedRun Mode" with in-game clock! Compete against your own time or set a custom time to try to be the fastest in the world! Play multiple times trying different routes and, as you play, unlock new abilities to start the game with, adding layers of complexity. Don't forget to try to find all the hidden spider webs. Life is but a Breath!

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