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Be Funny Now! Пасхальные яйца на PC

Последнее обновление: 21 апреля 2023 г.

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Be Funny Now!
  • категория: Основная игра
  • Впервые выпущен: May 16, 2022
  • Жанры: Quiz/Trivia, Indie
  • Тема: Comedy, Non-fiction

Be Funny Now™ is the free-to-play competitive party game that pits your wit against the world! Write and draw your funniest answers to an ever-growing list of hundreds of questions and prompts such as “What really killed the dinosaurs?”, “What’s the Joker’s signature catchphrase?”, and “In just 4 words, ruin a first date!” Once everyone’s answers are in, judge your peers’ work with a shower of roses, a round of applause, or a flurry of tomatoes. Play with friends in private lobbies, or get started immediately in a public lobby for 2-8 player action. Stand out from the crowd with custom outfits, emotes, and more. And be sure to check out the daily prompt - a massive battle royale where everyone has 24 hours to answer the same question/prompt, then votes the best answers to the top where one winner will emerge victorious. Think you’re funny? Prove it…and Be Funny Now™!

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