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CREATE VR Комментарии на Oculus VR

Последнее обновление: 23 ноября 2021 г.
  • Впервые выпущен: Feb 8, 2018

CREATE is a social VR experience that allows users to create a reality of their choice. Inspired by pure frustration over uncontrollable events in life, CREATE serves as a world-building outlet where players get to become gods and control every single aspect of their reality - creating it from scratch. Starting with only four basic elements, create, discover and unlock new combinations to use as building materials to form and craft your virtual world. Trade, compete or collaborate with other players in your geographical area to either thrive or conquer the universe together (not in beta release). A mix of Doodle God and Minecraft in VR space; beta release is available on limited distribution on Oculus Rift and Oculus Gear VR (mobile) now (with Oculus key).

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