Rumor: Xbox One to launch November 8

Последнее обновление: 26 августа 2013 г.


Here’s the latest Xbox One release date rumor from what we’re going to call a reasonably reliable source. Kotaku apparently know someone who works for the marketing company that handles signage and product placement for Walmart and that person sent them an email containing all the dates for upcoming midnight launches at Walmart stores.


As you can see, alongside midnight launch events for big games like Grand Theft Auto V, Battlefield 4 and even the PS4 console, the Xbox One console is also listed with a November 8 date. The only thing is that, unlike all the other entries in the list, it is not listed as “confirmed”. This might mean that Microsoft itself still hasn’t fully committed to November 8 or any other release date.

With the Playstation 4 definitely arriving on November 15, could Microsoft be planning to launch the Xbox One a week earlier? Perhaps the lack of “confirmed” status simply means they are still assessing whether they can get enough consoles manufactured (along with everything else!) in time…