DayZ Planned for Xbox One, PS3/PS4

Последнее обновление: 2 марта 2014 г.


If you’ve been waiting to hear more about the open world zombie survival game DayZ, you’ll be pleased to know that the game’s creator, Dean Hall, has been meeting with both Microsoft and Sony about it.

While talking to Eurogamer, Hall teased some “really interesting and exciting things” that the console version of DayZ will include, but he isn’t allowed to give any concrete details. We aren’t sure if these features are specific to DayZ, or if what he learned relates to new features planned for the Xbox One in general.

Hall also met with Sony to discuss DayZ, although he didn’t say if their plans would be for the PS3, the PS4, or both.

Despite these meetings, however, no one is working on a console version just yet. According to Hall, they’ll be ready to announce whether or not it is coming to consoles by the end of 2014, after which he would expect roughly a year until release.

If that feels like it’s a long way off, don’t get too hopeful about playing DayZ on your PC for months in advance. So far, players have only gotten to try the Early Access alpha, which has sold about 1.5 million copies. Hall expects the beta to be ready before the end of the year, with the release of the full game sometime in spring or summer of 2015. DayZ could change a lot between now and then. Hall mentioned that even changes they’ve made to the alpha “suddenly [change] the whole way the game’s played.”

Although he is leaving Bohemia before the end of the year to start his own studio in New Zealand, he will still be involved with the development of DayZ, as required by his contract.

We’re sorry for not announcing anything except future announcements, but at least having a timeline for DayZ’s progress helps. Have you tried the alpha, and are you interested in seeing more from this game in the future? Do you think the wait to 2015 will be worth it? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.