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Top 10 Cool and Funny Overwatch Memes

Última atualização: 13 de dezembro de 2016

Since its release in May, Overwatch has taken the gaming world by storm. Not only do people love playing Overwatch, but it’s also given rise to some great memes. While many more Overwatch memes can be found, here are some of our favorites.

Note: we do not own any of these memes. We simply gathered them from around the Internet.

1. Overwatch: Team Fortress 2, but with waifus


Due to the similarities between Overwatch and Team Fortress 2, there are numerous memes about how Overwatch is just Blizzard’s version of the other game. So, what is the main distinguishing factor between Overwatch and Team Fortress 2?

Apparently it’s the waifus.

2. Attack Commences in 30 Seconds


In reference to the two teams waiting for a match of Overwatch to begin, one of the most common Overwatch memes is to pair the “Attack commences in 30 seconds” line with an image of characters staring at one another through a window or door. The version pictured above is an especially popular one.

3. Team Composition


Good team composition can be hard to come by in Overwatch, since sometimes you have far too many team members who want to play the same character.

4. Bastion’s Play of the Game


Bastion has led to an incredible number of memes, ever since the Overwatch beta. As a robot able to transform into a turret, this character can be devastating. As a result, Bastion players frequently get “play of the game” at the end of a round.

Bastion memes are numerous, whether they’re about the character being overpowered, players who main Bastion being evil, or just how often he defeats his opponents.

5. Photobombing Enemies in Junkenstein’s Revenge


During the Halloween co-op event called Junkenstein’s Revenge, it became popular for players to try to photobomb bosses. Boss characters are introduced with a dramatic camera shot that slowly swing out in front of them as they pose. If you place your character in just the right spot, you can appear in the boss’s introduction shot.

6. Heroes Never Die


When Mercy uses her ultimate to revive her fallen team members, she says “Heroes never die.” This has led to a wide variety of “heroes never die” memes. They range from the frustration (or horror) when it’s an enemy Mercy who does it, to the glory of being revived.

Note: when the opposing team’s Mercy uses her ultimate, she says her line in German.

7. It’s High Noon!


Meanwhile, McCree activates his ultimate (which lets him one-shot anyone in his sight), he shouts, “It’s high noon!” This became a popular meme quite quickly, with images that range from McCree’s satisfaction when high noon arrives, to enemies fleeing, to commentary on the unusual frequency of “high noon.”

These memes became so popular, Blizzard added a new line. When McCree’s ultimate is ready to use, he says, “You know what time it is.”

8. Dad 76


How did Soldier 76 become known throughout the fandom as an overprotective father figure toward the rest of the team? That’s hard to say, but not only is it a popular Overwatch meme, but Blizzard seems to enjoy it as well. In a new line added to the game, Tracer refers to Soldier 76 as “dad.”

There also was a special Soldier 76 event during Father’s Day, but that was entirely a coincidence. Probably.

9. Ah yes, “Reaper”


Since Reaper’s name is a word, he’s found himself in many reaper-related memes, from the Grim Reaper to the Reapers from Mass Effect. The Mass Effect Overwatch memes allow for even more variety, such as jokes about Reaper’s involvement with the Reapers or parodies of the infamous “Ah yes, ‘Reapers,'” line from Mass Effect.

10. Roses are red…


For Hanzo’s ultimate, he shouts, “Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau.” The line itself has become popular and is used in many memes, but one of the most bizarrely popular ones is Hanzo’s version of the standard “Roses are red” poem:

Roses are red
Violets are blue

Other Overwatch Memes?

These are only a handful of the many memes that have come out of Overwatch. Do you have a favorite Overwatch meme we haven’t posted? Share it with us in the comments!