Target running free Xbox One game promo too

Última atualização: 10 de novembro de 2013


Amazon is running a “buy two get one free” games deal for the Playstation 4 and Target is also coming to the party for Xbox One gamers with its own deal for X1 games. Unfortunately it looks like Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts and Fighter Within are the only eligible titles at this stage, although we’ve heard rumors that all Xbox One games are in fact included.

We’re also hearing that the promotion will run all through this coming week and that it will be available both online and in-store. It’s also meant to be included as part of their flyer for this week so hopefully we can bring you more details (and the fine print) very soon.

Either way, it might pay to pop down to your local store early on Monday or Tuesday and see what’s going on.