Forza Motorsport 5 Purchased by 1/3 of Xbox One Owners

Última atualização: 20 de fevereiro de 2014


Turn 10 Studios announced that 1 million players bought Forza Motorsport 5 for the Xbox One. That’s a good sales figure to start with, but it becomes even more impressive when you realize it occurred when Microsoft had sold about 3 million Xbox One consoles. One third of Xbox One owners purchased a copy of Forza Motorsport 5.

According to Turn 10, that’s a new record for a racing game.

If you have Forza Motorsport 5, you might be interested in the recent Smoking Tire DLC, which adds ten additional vehicles to the game.

It sounds like the game has proved quite popular, despite the mixed reviews it’s received from users. Let us know what you think about it, and what you hope to see in the series’ future.