Now Destiny has “Loot Stairs,” Too

Ostatnio zaktualizowany: 8 października 2014


Remember Destiny’s loot caves? Well, now you’ve got another option: loot stairs! Operating on the same principle as the loot caves, a set of stairs in the Cosmodrone on Earth has enemies that will infinitely respawn as long as you stay far enough back until you’re ready to collect your rewards. It’s a great way to build up Legendary engrams and other great loot.

Youtube user MinistryOfGeeks has uploaded a useful video explaining how to find the loot stairs. The one negative point, as he demonstrates in his video, is that every 7-10 minutes, a ship spawns above the area and releases new enemies outside the building, which prevents the enemies from spawning on the stairs. You’ll need to get rid of these enemies in order to continue using the loot stairs.

Check out the video for the full details.

So, will you be making use of Destiny’s loot stairs?