Cool Gaming Sites

Ostatnio zaktualizowany: 4 października 2017

Here’s a list of useful websites we’ve come across over the years and still visit regularly. If you want your site added to this list, get in touch!

Gamespot -
Everything gaming across all platforms.

Metacritic -
If you want to know how the data about all the reviews, metacritic is where you go. They collate all editorial and user reviews of a game together to give you the overall picture so you can avoid editorial bias!

The Internet Gaming Database, one of the largest databases of computer games available. It’s going to the IMDB of the gaming world one day.

GiantBomb -
Free and premium level gaming information, this one has a games database comparable (at last look) to the IGDB.

Xbox One HQ -
News, reviews, release dates, screens, videos, hardware information, and forums all relating to the Xbox One.