CoD: Advanced Warfare Reveals New Trailer, Zombies

Ostatnio zaktualizowany: 2 listopada 2014

Call of Duty November 4

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is almost here. The latest edition to the popular shooting franchise will be released for the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, and PC this Tuesday, November 4, or even tomorrow if you get the Day Zero edition by pre-ordering. The Day Zero edition also includes double XP on November 3 and bonus items.

Additionally, fans of Call of Duty’s zombie modes should pay attention to the Season Pass, as it’s been revealed the Season Pass includes a zombie mode, along with Advanced Warfare’s four planned map packs and a bonus map. We don’t know when the mode will become available.

To mark the game’s impending release, a live-action trailer was released just a few days ago. Not everyone liked it, such as Examiner, which considers it to be “gaming at its worst.” On the flipside, general reactions to the trailer have been positive, even from people who aren’t Call of Duty fans. We’ll let you watch it and decide for yourself.

So, did that make you more or less interested in Advanced Warfare? If you’ve already decided you’re going to buy it but haven’t decided which version to get yet, GearNuke has provided some comparison screenshots between the previous gen versions and the Xbox One/PS4 versions. The difference isn’t staggering, but it is noticeable.

To compare the graphics in motion, check out HereToEntertain’s video comparison of the Xbox 360 and Xbox One versions.

Like what you see? Let us know your thoughts on Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and whether or not you’ll be playing it this week.