Watch Dogs Continues Beyond 100% Completion

Letzte Aktualisierung: 23. März 2014

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We previously told you that the upcoming open world game Watch Dogs has the potential to be endless, but how much fun will you have playing the game after you hit 100% completion? Well, according to Jonathan Morin, the game’s creative director, you’ll still have fun content to discover after you cross that point.

He went on to clarify that since some elements of the game continue forever, they had to pick a spot to mark as 100%. He said they definitely want the game to remain fun for players after reaching 100% completion.

He also cleared up confusion over footage shown at previous E3’s: the 2012 footage was from a PC build, while the 2013 footage was from the PS4. Finally, he mentioned that the PS4 and Xbox One version are exactly the same other than the resolution and the PS4’s bonus hour of content.

The PS4 version will also make use of the DualShock 4’s touchpad. The controller acts as Aiden’s smart phone, and you can open a touchpad-controlled map. We aren’t positive the Xbox One version will have a similar feature, but SmartGlass integration would be a logical way to do so.

Are you planning to pick up Watch Dogs this May?